Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Final tallies

From the past four months:

Flights: 14
Boat trips: 6
Dance parties: 2
Crossword puzzles completed: 41
Nile River water swallowed: approximately 1 liter
Casual walk-by mzungu fist bumps as only form of silent greeting: 5
Acai bowls consumed: Dozens
Out-of-pocket medical visits: 3 (thanks, UCSF insurance!)
Cameras destroyed: 1
Phones destroyed: 1
Pieces of clothing destroyed by (and left behind in) Uganda: 11
Motorbikes ridden: 8
Babies delivered on the (actual) floor: 2
Peeling sunburns obtained: 2
Birthdays: 1
Sea creature T-shirts acquired: 2
Parasols acquired: 2
Days away from San Francisco: 116

Time to get back. See you tomorrow, little Irving Street apartment. 

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